windsurfen kiten surfen buggy landboard snowboard wakeboard wiese sand steine kliff glattwasser stehtief kabbel grosse_welle mittlere_welle kleine_welle drop_play_active marker_punkt marker_punkt

Spot, Surf, Kite und Wake - Videos

Steven Akkersdijk: Tripping in SA

South Africa has it all. Waves, flatspots, strong wind and light wind. I have been in South Africa for a good 5 months and really loved it. This video shows a mix of a roadtrip I did and the Redbull King of the Air competition!

Big Thanks to:
Christin Schwarzer, Koen van Herk and Alex wakker for filming!
Endless Summer beach house for providing me with a place to stay!
And all the other people that made my stay awesome!

Make sure to check out: and

Also like my facebook page if you want to stay up to date with my travels:

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